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Here we grow! New semester News from Miral foundation’s international branches
2023.05.10 3350

Miral Welfare Foundation has implemented several programs like rehabilitation program for people with disabilities, child sponsored program, education support program and humanitarian assistance in 11 countries by now.

In developing countries, people with disabilities are more likely to be poor, but conversely, poorer people are more likely to have a disability.(World Bank, 2017). This is because there are so many more cases that malnutrition, diseases from contaminated drinking water, and accidents due to the lack of safe roads and lights.

To this end, Miral Welfare Foundation works to guarantee the right to education for children with disabilities, create circumstances in which disabled and non-disabled children live together, and also protect children without disabilities from various factors of acquired disabilities and risks such as early marriage and child labor.

Children with disability and non-disabled children in the Philippines, Kenya, Cote d'Ivoire, Liberia, Tanzania, and Uganda branch started a new semester filled with dreams and laughter through this.


Kenya branch providing disability inclusion education

Since 2018, Miral Welfare Foundation has been working to ensure that all children in 11 public primary schools in Nyando(the most external support needed sub-county in Kisumu) are guaranteed basic rights of children, regardless of children with disability or non-disabled children. 

In 2022, we have conducted social integration program for children with disability which means that discovered children with disability who cannot go to school and supported them to go to school.

Particularly in 2022, special classes for PWD will be built in Kolunga and Onjiko Kobong'o primary schools, two of the 11 public primary schools that we cooperate with, so that more children with disabilities can go to school this year in 2023.

Through this, the children with disability who were the most marginalized in the village have been guaranteed not only the right to receive education but also the right to have fun at school with their peers so that children with disability in Kenya can start a new joyful semester as well.


Prestigious school, Tanzania branch

Miral Welfare Foundation is operating New Vision Schools(NVS) in Tanzania's three regions at Singida, Engikaret, and Arusha. The NVS, which consists of a wide range of education and qualified teachers, has received excellent grades in the National Exam. So, it’s popular with parents, establishing itself as a prestigious school in each region.

Most of the students of Engikaret NVS are Maasai tribe who still live a nomadic life, so that we are not going to stop focusing on child protection, such as school interruption, child marriage, and child sexual abuse. For this reason, we started operating a dormitory for the 7th graders so that the children could continue their education.

Meanwhile, Arusha NVS has started a music class once a week for students from 1st to 6th grade in this new semester. Art and physical education are not required subjects in Tanzania, but this will give them diverse experiences and opportunities to find their dreams.

NVS singida built a 7th grade classroom in 2022, and the 7th grade children who studied in the new classroom have finished their happy school life and became the first graduates of primary school this year, and will prepare for entering secondary school.

The reason that this new semester is especially expected to students, parents and teachers is that they will graduate in NVS singida with a good grade in national exam for upcoming second half of the year.


Uganda branch with the community

Miral Welfare Foundation has ensured children's right to education through Kim's School in Gulu for 10 years since 2013 in Uganda. In addition we have a good influence within the community till now. 

However, the students of Kim's School where the Miral Uganda branch is, have consistently received the highest grades in the region for the past 10 years. Also, they are full of children's passion and joy, to the extent that they were selected as the best group on the local sports day.

In most African countries, such as Tanzania, Uganda, and Malawi, 7th-grade children must pass national exams in order to advance to secondary schools.

it is very difficult for students in areas without good educational materials and support such as teachers to get good grades on the national examinations. Because the examination is conducted in English, not the local native language.

Due to our school locates in remote areas, there are many students who cannot speak English fluently. Teachers are constantly struggling with the education and growth of children, such as building two additional temporary primary schools in the region due to the increasing number of children.

As a result of the efforts of teachers, the students of Kim's School have consistently received the highest grades in the region for the past 10 years. Also, they are full of children's passion and joy, to the extent that they were selected as the best group on the local sports day.

 Miral Welfare Foundation Uganda branch is making changes with students, parents, teachers, and local people as well.

Cote d’lvoire(a.k.a. Ivory coast) branch thinking children’s health

Miral Welfare Foundation has been supporting the holistic growth of children in Abidjan, Cote d'Ivoire, through supporting Belle-ville primary school since 2013.

Over the past decade, the school lunch has become more delicious and nutritious through the support of the sponsors of Miral. Also, children has received colorful good notes and pencils which catch their fancy. And children who always had runny noses due to malnutrition had improved nutrition so that can frolic lively.

Our students experience various arts and sports classes such as taekwondo, origami, knitting, and musical instrument classes that cannot be experienced at other schools in the region.

We still have some children who take a year off for family reasons and then return to school or move to remote areas. However, that can’t stop their way to start a new semester in Belle-ville primary school. Watching that the children are growing well, their parents are also happy.

individualized education in Liberia branch

Miral welfare foundation has been managing disability special classes named Shalom School in Mamba Kaba district, Liberia.

In 2014, Miral Welfare Foundation established a special class(called Shalom school) so that children with disabilities can be educated at Grace School and they have managing since 2016 after the ebola virus issue has done.

Currently, 22 children with disabilities attending Shalom school and receiving Individualized education. Individualized education helps them to set their own academic goals, not the school's general curriculum so that they can be educated more suitable.

In addition, not only at school but also at home we provide parents education to give understanding about disability, so that help children with disabilities to be able to grow up safely and healthily according to their characteristics.

Meanwhile, in March, there was an event called Color Day(Sports day). Whether they have disabilities or not, all students of Grace School were divided into teams by colors and played. We have no doubt that all students enjoyed that time together.


We take care of your after school! Philippines Cebu branch

Miral welfare foundation has been managing Paglaum(which means ‘hope’ in Cebuano) center in Cordova, Cebu city, Philippines.

The Pagraum Center manages rehabilitation a project for persons with disabilities in the community. Moreover, they provide nutrition and education for children in the community. And operates after-school classes and inclusion nursery school with special needs for social integration of children with disabilities as well.

Just like other branches, a new school semester begins at the Pagraum center. The center’s classrooms and playground are full of energy due to gathering new students.

Approximately 500 students, from inclusion nursery school to primary school, gather at the Paglaum center to participate in after-school classes.

The center is an ocean of smiling and confident faces of children who write their names on the paper.

Under the hot sun, upper primary school students study beneath a tent only because of the lack of a classroom. they got sweat profusely nevertheless, they are still happy to study English and math.

Every Friday, we manage instrument classes and bookclub for children in the community in order to discover and develop their various talents so that can provide opportunities to dream a dream.

Upper primary school students already have grown a lot, now they are volunteering with their talents to their juniors.


The new semester of Miral Welfare Foundation's international branches are full of dreams and expectations.

We ask for your attention to our programs so that children with disabilities and non-disabled children in the world can grow desirable as a member of society and even further live in harmony.