Our story

Let’s go Together in Nepal① Unforgettable memories, wonderful people
2015.03.06 11926

From August 11th to 18th our foundaiotn visited overseas worplaces to take part in volunteer activities and to conduct a program, “Let’s go Together!” for making special memories with beneficiaries and sponsors. This sponsor visit was especially meaningful because it was first program that our foundation held for our sponsors. Our first destination which made history was Kathmandu in Nepal! Together with 9 of our sponsors, we spent a very special and memorable summer.



Unforgettable memories, wonderful people


Writer Kim Young Min sponser


Photographer Team of member administration 


     For the last few years, I spent vacation at Mt. Jiri. The Images of me, going to Mt. Jiri every year were kept in my memory like an album. I would go to Mt. Jiri unless I had any special events. Then I received an e-mail which made me wanting to spend that summer bit differently. The e-mail included a special invitation to the first visit of the overseas sponsors of Miral welfare foundation.


     Even though I support, I sometimes wondered how my help was used because I just checked expenses of bankbook, so I was happy when I realized that there actually was a sponsor in the oversea workplace. It was a good opportunity to see overseas work site in person because before this, I only heard the story indirectly from TV or magazines.


    Also, I have worked in an affiliated facility of Miral welfare foundation for 3 years. Since I have never done this kind of work before, I wondered if what I will be doing in Miral welfare foundation and at the same time was curious about the passion the workers here have. This curiosity was another reason why I applied for the visiting program to oversea workplace.


I forgot all the worries I had when I met children. The passage from a recommended book (Life on the vine: cultivating the fruit of the spirit, Philip D. Kenneson) came across my mind. "Growing pleasure is not easy to isolate with existence of children and people who want children grow with joy is good to have opportunity taking care of children and be with them regularly." One thing among the main goals for the workplaces in Nepal was to give academic support for children. 


     It was beginning to meet sponsors who were going to visit. If we mixed on purpose, diverse people might be hard to meet . However, we had a common that was sponsors of Miral and people who were going to visit a oversea workplace and participate in divide. Even though it was only a short time, we prepared class that children could join to listen traditional song called 'Resham Ririri'. Moreover, we could learn words needed for greetings as well as some general information of Nepal from a local teacher.



    Finally, departure for Nepal! When arrived at Kathmandu international airport, we could see the reality of Nepal from the unpaved road and rubbish thrown on the floors, which seems to be smaller than KImpo airport. Public elementary school we visited was cozy, but there were more students than I thought. Miral supports school supplies and uniforms for children. Moreover, Miral foundation supplies daily bread. The project manager in Nepal branch is not satisfied with it, wanting to give more to support school.




    The curiosity filled children's eyes as they welcomed guests, but there was a welcoming smile and no alert. I gave a class, which I prepared myself from Korea. Even thought I couldn't communicate with children by language, I enjoyed the time. The most memorable moment was playing with bubbles in the field after greetings with students. It was awkward at first and hard to get close to them. However we all became friendly after having great time together. Even local teachers joined playing with bubble like children.



    We visited each child's home during our visit and felt sorry about their living conditions, which made many children be responsible for their family as father left or lost economic ability. nevertheless, we felt sad from the children who made themselves a promise to study hard with hope and from their purest passion eyes about their lives. I had responsibility to participate in donation with more concerns and I was proud that our donation used good way.



   We went sightseeing during the weekend. As Nepal is the origin of Hindu and Buddhism, there are many valuable ruins designated by UNESCO. However, maintaining the ruins looked insufficient. The ruins are contaminated by doves but it seems to be not cared by anyone. It might be difficult to preserve cultural heritages for people who are having difficulties with their daily lives. I knew it, but I thought poor reality of Nepal.


   I got everything what I needed to obtain from the workplace visit. I could confirm how my donation were used in on-the-spot visit and I enjoyed spending time with children. In addition, I got a sense of the lives of people, Kim Jeong Kun manager, Hong Yeo Gin staff, and Jeong Yun Jo staff, worked in Miral.