Our story

Let’s go Together in Nepal② Heartwarming moments
2015.04.15 8743

From August 11th to 18th our foundation visited overseas workplaces to take part in volunteer activities and to conduct a program, “Let’s go Together!” for making special memories with beneficiaries and sponsors. This sponsor visit was especially meaningful because it was first program that our foundation held for our sponsors. Our first destination which made history was Kathmandu in Nepal! Together with 9 of our sponsors, we spent a very special and memorable summer. 


Heartwarming moments



Writer Shin Jin Chul sponsor

Photographer Team of member administration 



 I was thinking of travelling overseas this summer vacation. While searching for information, I received an email titled ‘Miral welfare foundation sponsor oversea workplace visit’. After checking the contents in the webpage out of curiosity, I could not get the contents of the email out of my head for the following days.


 I am currently working at a German brand automobile company and my goal and dream is to apply my knowledge and professionalism to help developing countries after retirement. So I thought that this would be a good chance for me, and made up my mind to participate. 

We attended two prior meetings before visiting the Nepal workplace. We studied the culture, religion, and language of Nepal, and prepared an education program for the children. The exciting time we spent preparing gifts for them! The day we were to meet them was fast approaching and as it got closer, I couldn’t hide the nervousness which I felt for no particular reason.




     Finally the day of our departure arrived. We arrived in Katmandu, Nepal a few hours after departing from Incheon. As soon as we got off the plane, I could see run-down facilities and I was able to slightly guess Nepal’s economic situation. Our first destination which we reached with the help of Manager Jeong-Kun Kim and Volunteer Yeo-Gin Hong was Nepal Miral School. I was worried that the children might be shy with strangers, but they greeted us with a smile.




     We helped children with the meal during lunch time. I sat next to a child and while I helped her during the meal, I ended up crying because I couldn’t control my emotions. Even though the time I spent in Miral school was not long as I thought it would be, our volunteers and I poured our heart and soul to doing the best we can. We were not able to complete everything that we had prepared, but we were able to end the day satisfied with what we had done. 




     After visiting Miral school, we went to Chundebi School. We prepared an education program for the children and we were able to complete this task thanks to the children who eagerly participated with innocent smiles throughout the class. We were also thankful because we witnessed an infinite growth potential in them.




     Our schedule at Chundebi included a chance to visit the homes of some of the students. I visited a house of ‘Rohan Desar’ whom I was sponsoring. My first actual meeting with the child I had only seen in pictures. Rohan’s house was made of mud. The house was hot due to lack of ventilation. It was also dark as they did not have access to electricity. I had already expected Rohan’s living environment to be below standard. However, after actually visiting the house and seeing it for myself, I was proud and grateful to Rohan for not losing that smile even in such an extreme environment. 


     I asked Rohan and his mother to make a promise. The promise was that I’ll continuously support Rohan until Rohan completes his education. I asked his Mother to look after Rohan and make sure he doesn’t miss class. Then I asked Rohan to promise that he will study hard at school. I got all emotional and cried as we made that promise.


     The weekend after completing our schedule in Nepal arrived. We were supposed to visit key attractions of Nepal. However, due to rainy weather conditions, we visited Bhaktapur, a Nepal temple, and the slums as well as Nagarkot which was 2,500 meters above the sea level. It was wonderful to see the beautiful scenery of Nepal after meaningful volunteer work.





     After a week full of tears and warmth, we conveyed our gratitude to our manager and assistant administrator, completed the departure procedure and returned to Korea. This overseas volunteer program opportunity was one which I learned and gained much from. If I am to be given another opportunity such as this in the future, I would certainly want to participate once more. I sincerely thank the other members and Miral Welfare Foundation for this precious opportunity.