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Story of Community-Based Inclusive Childcare Center (CBICC) in Malawi, on World Human Rights Day


December 10th is World Human Rights Day. This day, which commemorates the Universal Declaration of Human Rights adopted in 1948, serves as a reminder that everyone has the right to live equally and with dignity, regardless of race, gender, age, or disability. It also calls for continued efforts to protect human rights. 

Based on these values of human rights, the Miral Welfare Foundation is carrying out various projects both domestically and internationally to ensure the rights of vulnerable groups, especially people with disabilities. Today, we would like to introduce one of the foundation's disability support programs, the "Community-Based Inclusive Childcare Center (CBICC)" in Malawi.

Teaching Children at CBICC in Malawi

A special place for learning and growing together,

Community-Based Inclusive Childcare Center(CBICC) in Malawi

The Community-Based Inclusive Childcare Center (CBICC) located in the Nkomwa district is a special space where children with and without disabilities learn and grow together, fostering mutual understanding. Children aged 2 to 5 years old (up to 8 years old, depending on their disability) have equal opportunities for learning here. Through this classroom, the Miral Welfare Foundation is making efforts to provide quality education to all children in the following ways:

First, to ensure that all children can receive a qualified education at the same, we revised the curriculum based on ECD (Early Childhood Development) materials published by the Malawi government and the UN. This curriculum includes a comprehensive approach to education that considers the physical and emotional development of children, and it is distributed to all childcare centers to ensure consistent quality education, regardless of location.

Additionally, we provide in-depth training for teachers, covering concepts and methods of inclusive education, as well as how to understand the needs of children with disabilities. For parents, we raise awareness about the importance of early childhood education and guide them on how to build positive relationships with their children, thereby creating a disability-friendly environment.

 Teachers who participated in the Inclusive Education Teacher Training

We Go to Where Children with Disabilities Are!

Disability-Inclusive Child Care Outreach Posts

The Disability-Inclusive Child Care Classroom also goes directly to where the children are. The outreach classrooms, which started with consideration for children with disabilities who have difficulty moving, have become a beacon of hope for children who were previously excluded from education.

Currently, the Miral Welfare Foundation operates four outreach posts in two areas (Mbuna and Mthiko), and about 80 children are receiving education. Of these, 54 families have members with disabilities, and 13 children have disabilities themselves.

Children who were excluded from educational opportunities due to factors such as distance from schools, lack of educational facilities for children with disabilities, or social discrimination and prejudice are now having their right to education ensured through the outreach disability-inclusive childcare classrooms. These children are discovering their potential and dreaming new dreams.

Children Presenting What They Have Learned in the CBICC

For the future of children

We need continuous support and interest

The Disability-Inclusive Child Care Classroom is not just a space for learning, but a precious learning environment that instills dreams and hope in all children. The Miral Welfare Foundation will continue to carry on the Disability-Inclusive Child Care program so that more children can have equal education opportunities. With your attention and support, we can create even greater changes. As we remember the meaning of World Human Rights Day, please join us in ensuring that all children can receive education without discrimination and dream of a brighter future.

