Miral Welfare Foundation conducts humanitarian relief including community reconstruction and protection for residents in disaster-stricken regions. Also, Miral promotes disaster-risk-reduction programs to reinforce the competence and resilience of communities to respond to disasters. Disasters related to climate change, conflicts and disputes between countries, and chronic food crises strike every year. The most vulnerable countries experience the most critical damage. Over 2 million people have died from disasters over the past 30 years, and 180,000 people died from wars last year.
- Emergency response
- 15760 Persons
2023 Miral Annual Report
Miral Welfare Foundation complies with the Code of Conduct for the International Red Cross and Non-Governmental Organizations (NGOs) in implementing emergency relief

- Humanitarian principles are paramount.
- The aid should be made without discrimination of any kind, such as the race, nationality, or religion of the recipients. Priorities in aid are based solely on the need to help.
- Aid should not be used to represent particular political or religious positions.
- We try to ensure that aid is not used as a tool for the government's foreign policy.
- We respect individual culture and customs.
- Strengthen local capacity to respond to disasters.
- Explore ways for program beneficiaries to participate in the management of relief activities.
- Relief aid should meet fundamental needs and reduce the vulnerability of future disasters.
- We are responsible for both those we support and those who support us.
- In our data collection and publicity activities, we recognize disaster victims as dignified human beings, not subjects of sympathy.
The Code of Conduct was agreed and developed in 1994 by eight organizations involved in large-scale disaster response globally and by the end of 2012, 512 organizations signed the Code.
Source : All in Diary 2014
Our goals of Humanitarian Relief
To alleviate the suffering of residents in disaster-stricken regions
To restore to crisis areas the conditions that existed prior to the crisis.
To promote coping systems for disaster risk reduction with reinforcement of the communities' competences.
Main Program / What we do
Field investigation on crises
Emergency aid and basic medical treatment
The distribution of necessities for survival(food, drinking water, daily necessities, etc)
Referral to long-term reconstruction programs
Where we work
Myanmar(Kachin, refugees caused by ongoing internal conflict/civil war), Ukraine, Indonesia, Türkiye, Malawi